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Dawn Carlson

President, Santa Barbara ALDA

broken image
broken image

Many people experience life altering events. For me, it was the summer of 2005. Like past summers, August 10 was spent doing various activities with my children. On August 11, I woke up not being able to hear anything except for a loud noise. It sounded like a roaring engine which didn’t make sense and no one else could hear it. The sound was in my head, and I became deaf. What the $&#!

Initially, as you can imagine, I was very upset and focused on my loss, asking “why me” and seeking a solution from various specialists. The engine sound, my new unwelcomed companion, was always present. After some time, I came across a brochure that stated lip reading could be learned after many months of practicing. Hmm, I could lip read on the day I lost my hearing. Wow, what a blessing! But it was a blessing I didn’t recognize initially because I was blinded by my circumstance and fixated on the one thing I didn’t have, my hearing. I wondered what other blessings I was missing. I began writing daily in a gratitude journal, taking time to notice the beauty around me and giving thanks for family and friends. What a powerful practice it is to go through the day with a thankful heart! My circumstances didn’t change…I still had a severe hearing loss…but my perspective and attitude did a complete flip.

About a year later, I decided to enroll in a jewelry making class. I discovered, much to my delight, that when I was working on a piece of jewelry, the engine sound was no longer in the forefront. Thank you! This was the calm that I needed in my storm. The class was very relaxing, and I had found not only relief but a creativity that I didn’t know I had. I continued taking classes and reading jewelry making books. As I started receiving inquiries regarding the jewelry I was making and wearing, Dawn Carlson Designs was born. What started as a form of therapy for me evolved into a business that I love.

Giving thanks in all my circumstances has been transforming, turning frustration into joy and creativity. It continues to be an amazing gift that I try to pass along. Now, when I participate in events, I use words of affirmation and gratitude in my display, and often place an affirming word in each gift box. More recently, my husband (hearing person) and I have been finding supportive community with similar couples. Sharing stories, we find we have similar experiences, which helps us have a better and more compassionate understanding of each other. This has led us to taking ASL at SBCC with the goal of being able to communicate well together and with others in the deaf community.

Every day I am grateful for the people and things, great and small in my life.

I hope my story inspires you to notice the good in your life and encourages you to experience the joy of gratitude. It’s a life changer!

Peace and Blessings,


I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.

Psalm 9:1