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Do I Need to Learn Sign Language

By Julie Hayes-Nadler

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Short answer is no, you do not need to learn sign language if you are losing your hearing or living with someone who is but you might want to consider it. I was completely resistant to learning ASL when I started to lose my hearing. It wasn’t until about 2 years into the process that I finally decided to give it a go. It completely changed my life in the best of ways. Here’s how…

  1. It was easier than I expected to learn and remember new signs and so I quickly started to have some sense of efficacy, which felt critical as my life was turning upside down. Being able to see that I could start to build communication skills if I committed myself to daily practice was incredibly empowering.
  2. Within a couple of weeks my husband and I could fumble through enough sign language that it actually helped make communication better. Now a year and a half later we utilize it along with spoken language every day.
  3. It’s fun and has been a great way to make new friends!! Everyone who is learning ASL needs to practice and it is a wonderful way to grow a friendship and in time to build community with both Deaf and hearing people who know or are learning sign.
  4. ASL is truly a beautiful language and it comes as part of a rich and diverse culture. Learning about Deaf culture and history while learning this new language carries the potential to enrich your life in immeasurable ways.
  5. Learning a new language is good for the brain! It improves our problem solving, memory, concentration and builds cognitive reserve!