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New Chapter of ALDA in Santa Barbara

By Eric Brody

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The Santa Barbara Chapter of ALDA (Association of Late Deafened Adult) began in early 2023 when Dawn and Greg Carlson invited Eric Brody to teach American Sign Language (ASL) to several couples, each with one spouse who was either becoming deaf or hard of hearing. By midyear, it became clear that the strict no-talking rule in learning ASL was challenging for many participants. To address this, Eric switched to using Pidgin Sign Language (PSL) allowing everyone to use their voice, but insisted that they at least use sign language, especially the hearing spouses. This change helped the group open up and evolve into a support and social group where members could share their experiences and realize that what seemed abnormal to them was actually quite common.

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The group is open to everyone and accommodates various communication methods, including ASL without voice, PSL, Oral Deaf, Late-Deaf, Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Impaired, and partially Deaf. Many members are learning and using what is humorously referred to as CSL, or Crappy Sign Language, a term embraced by the Association of Late Deafened Adults (ALDA). The group's philosophy, adapted from ALDA, is "Whatever works!" and is open to anyone. Newcomers are welcome and should not worry about fitting in, as everyone has some connection to Deafness or Hearing Loss. Each member brings a unique story—whether they are Deaf, Late-Deafened, Hard of Hearing, Hearing Impaired, slightly Deaf, or have Deaf family members. Learning sign language is encouraged, and members are there to support each other in the learning process, which can take time.

Hearing spouses, family, close friends, and children of Deaf or Hard of Hearing individuals, as well as children, young adults, seniors, and others, are all welcome. However, it's important to note that this group is not an ASL class; formal ASL classes should be taken at institutions like Santa Barbara City College (SBCC) or venues such as Trinity Church or Draughtsman's Aleworks.

The group usually meets every other Tuesday at 6:30 PM - contact us here for more information.